An ecosystem of solutions

for your communication

Quiroga Medios Agencia



At Agencia Quiroga we evolve to maximize the communication of those who trust us.

We are an independent Latin American agency that uses advanced technological tools, top-notch human talent, and a strategic approach to plan and execute projects. We focus on agile and collaborative processes that allow us to connect our clients with the world in a transparent way, generating a real impact on their businesses and establishing long-term ties.

In a context of uncertainty and constant change, we consider it essential to have solutions that provide security in decision-making. As a strategic partner of our clients, we accompany them so that they can improve their businesses and adapt to the demands of the current market.

We have offices throughout Latin America and global presence. Our headquarters are located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and we have our own offices in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the US, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay. Also representations in Bolivia, Central America, the Caribbean and Venezuela.

We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver effective solutions and concrete results through our extensive presence throughout the region.



QPerform is our thinking system that provides comprehensive communication solutions to enhance the ideas of our clients and allows us to find creative, efficient and assertive ways to achieve the greatest impact on the results of their businesses.

At Agencia Quiroga we take care of the entire work cycle, from diagnosis to ROI measurement. Our approach includes goal setting, strategic planning, tactical implementation, and metric tracking, among other things.

This exhaustive and complex journey allows us to achieve the best results based on the needs and requirements of each client.

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We are pioneers in the development of our own tools to provide an excellent service to our clients. With more than 20 years of experience in the advertising market and extensive knowledge of the actions we carry out, we have created our own research, planning, optimization, measurement, control, sponsorship and reporting tools. These tools complement the most recognized in the market and allow us to enhance the scope of our services efficiently and effectively.

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At Agencia Quiroga we have a multidisciplinary data science laboratory that constitutes the greatest strength of our research. We believe that data is the basis of business and communication, and personalization is the main axis. Therefore, we provide answers to our clients to create value in business intelligence.

We use big data as a trigger towards correct and accurate data, deepening the understanding of the context and the variables that impact the relationship of companies with their clients and consumers.

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At Agencia Quiroga we create content that is 100% focused on reaching the hearts of audiences to motivate them to action. Today consumers do not stop in front of empty brands but in front of the contents that add value to them.

That is why we develop ideas that impact our clients’ consumers with innovative and relevant proposals for their audiences. Our production cycle leads us to work together with the different agents of the value chain such as creatives, scriptwriters, directors, producers and editors.



We have more than 150 highly trained specialists in various disciplines, all focused on satisfying the communication needs of each client. Our teams include experts in strategic and digital marketing, graphic and audiovisual design, programming, talent management, business administration, finance, public relations, communication, sociology, psychology, and many other key areas. Together we work to provide creative and effective communication solutions that connect our clients with their audiences in impactful ways.



In 2001, Gustavo Quiroga founded the first media agency in Buenos Aires that provided marketing communications services to the entire country, in the midst of a context convulsed by the economic and institutional crisis that Argentina was experiencing at that time. Despite the difficulties, the agency positioned itself at the same level as international agencies and consolidated itself as a benchmark in the field of media and communication.

Gustavo has always trusted the human, ethical and intellectual capital of those who accompany him. His vision of thinking from Latin America for Latin America led him to found subsidiaries in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the US, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay, and later to have representations in Bolivia, Central America, the Caribbean and Venezuela.

Today, and after more than 20 years of that fledgling dream, Agencia Quiroga has become an undisputed leader in the marketing communications industry, operating from Latin America and offering solutions tailored to the real needs of its clients around the world. . The primary values ​​of the agency are effort and business ethics, which allows it to bet on rationality and service vocation to satisfy the problems of its clients.



For more than two decades, at Agencia Quiroga we have provided our services to more than 50 brands throughout the region, covering more than 18 business categories. We are proud to have been part of the success of each one of our clients and we are committed to continue working to offer effective and creative solutions that satisfy their communication needs.


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