Gota Quiroga Sports Final



At Agencia Quiroga we are convinced that sport is a powerful communication system that allows us to enhance the actions of our clients. We focus on integrating and connecting brands with their audiences and markets within this exciting world.

To guarantee the success of our strategies, we use QSport, our measurement tool based on five essential pillars that allow us to measure the results obtained and adjust the strategies to ensure maximum impact:

Audience measurement

Knowing your audience is key to connecting with them effectively. QSport allows us to identify and analyze our clients’ audience, their interests and behaviors in the sports world.

Competitor analysis

It is important to know the competition to identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for growth. QSport helps us analyze our clients’ competition and design strategies that differentiate them.

Impact measurement

Knowing how a campaign impacts is essential to assess its success. QSport allows us to measure the impact of our strategies in terms of reach, engagement and conversion.

Investment return

Investment in sport can be significant. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the return on investment. QSport allows us to analyze the ROI of each campaign and ensure that our clients obtain the maximum benefit.

Strategic planning

At QUIROGA sports mkt we believe in the importance of solid strategic planning. QSport helps us design effective and measurable strategies that allow us to achieve our clients’ objectives efficiently.


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